Saturday, September 11, 2010


So Thursday right after we got back from lunch in french a girl came to the door and asked for me. i ad know clue why she wanted me besides that she was in year book (cause she was wearing her pass) and when i went in the hall to talk to her she was like "So you collect American Girls and take them to Competitions " and i went "Yes, they pretty much stay in the hotel room and the girls i stay in the rooms with either love them or get freked out by them, which makes it even better" i talked to her for about 15 minutes about me and my law competitions and how i have excelled in them and my love for collecting American Girl dolls. My Law teacher actually emailed the yearbook teacher back because he was looking for people with unusual hobbies! So there is a good chance that i will be able to be in the year book with my dolls for my senior year!

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