Thursday, June 25, 2009

1 book down alot to go!

i finished reading "Flying High, Pogo!" tonight while on the way to Ben and Diane's house to eat dinner. i started the book yesterday morning and it has about 130 pages. the book is about a girl who is one of the only two fifth graders who get to go to this gymnastic camp. the only problem is that it cost $300 and her parents don't have that kind of money. her mom owns a pottery store and her dad is a stay at home dad who watches her half sister which at first she does not like very much. Pogo and her friend come up with some ways to make money so that she can go to the camp. when she gets a letter in the mail from the camp she does not tell her mom cause she does not want to worry her and sends the deposit money off with out her mom knowing. Pogo's moms store is going out of business and so is her friendship with her best friend because pogo went to far with one of her big ideas. her mom tries for a loan from the bank so that they can open up a new kids playroom/gym which was Pogo's idea. they got the loan approved and opened up the new kids place and it did so good that her mom sent in the rest of the money for the camp with out pogo knowing and then when pogo asked she was happy to know that she was going. her relation ship with her half sister got better during the time they spent together during the book as well as her and her fathers relationship.(this is the most simplest summery of the book)

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