Thursday, December 23, 2010
So in about 7 hours we will leave to go to Florida! We will be driving all today and part of tomorrow. For an early Christmas present my mom gave us our new cell phones! Since we got the cell phones and our going to Florida and disney World we will not get a lot of presents. I will be taking Jess and Samantha with me. I am taking Jess because i am bringing her boat and i am bringing Samantha because i brought her when i went to Florida when we went in 2001.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Merry Christmas
So I did not post when i decorated my room for christmas but here are the pictures of my dolls! I used my christmas tree box and some shoe boxes so that each doll can be seen. it is harder now with so many dolls to make them all fit around the Christmas tree but i still manage to make them fit!
For this Christmas my family is going to Florida and staying in a house on the beach so i wont get much this year sadly for Christmas but i cant wait! We will leaving on Thursday as of right now. i dont know which doll i will bring.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! In my family we always watch the Macy's Day Parade and and eat biscuit's with gravy and potatoes and onions for breakfast then we help cook and then eat! After our thanksgiving meal we all look through the paper and write our Christmas lists while watching Christmas movies like my Rockette's Christmas Spectacular DVD.
I finished up dressing all my dolls for Christmas today. Surprisingly I had enough outfits for all my dolls. the only doll that does not have any actual Christmas outfit is Emily and that is because I like that dress on her. This year I tried to kind of switch up the outfits that each wear (only the girl of the year). It took my 3 hours to dress them and do their hair. I got the little trees out of my closet but I am not taking them out till I get my "big" tree for my room out.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Are you ready for Christmas yet? Well Nellie is! I put her Christmas dress on her tonight and I am slowly doing it for all my dolls, because it takes about two hours to dress and do all my dolls hair so i thought that doing it slowly would be best, and then Thursday- Saturday this upcoming week I will get the tree for them out and decorate my room!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Meeting Jacqueline Dembar Greene
Today I was able to go to American Girl and meet Jacqueline Dembar Greene the author of the Rebecca series, it was from 2-4pm in Dallas. I went with my mom and since i do not have Rebecca i brought Lanie with me. Since i did not have any of her books we went to two Half Price Books to see if they had any but they did not so i actually had to buy an American Girl book for full price at the store. Jacqueline Dembar Greene was very nice and reminded me of a sweet grandmother was was different about getting to meet her was that on the table she had some items that could be found in the Rebecca books like the cupid doll and doily. I also had her sign my poster of Rebecca that i had brought from home, but since they were passing them out i also grabbed an extra one.
A few weeks back my siblings all got something and i did not so my mom said that i could get an American Girl Magazine the next time i could find one so she also let me get that.
What was neat is that they decorated the trees with letters that girls had written to them which goes with the theme of the catalogs and web store as well.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Bringing Back!
American Girl Stores this 2011 year will be continuing to allow girls to make crafts for the dolls that have been archived. Since the archiving of Samantha and Nellie they have not had any crafts for them and the same for Kirsten but i was looking on the website and saw the crafts! i am very excited because i now don't feel like the dolls just evaporated out of thin air but American Girls is still celebrating their stories.
Kirsten's Stenciled Box Craft
Felicity's Folding Fan Craft Demo
Felicity's Ball-and-Cup Game Craft
Samantha's Flower Bookmark Craft
Samantha's Lace Fan Craft
This Staurday the author of the Rebecca series will be at the American Girl Boutique and Bistro Dallas! The only problem is that Saturday is a very busy day because i have to help with a competition at my school and i don't know when it will end. I have my fingers crossed that i will be able to meet her!!!!!
Kirsten's Stenciled Box Craft
Felicity's Folding Fan Craft Demo
Felicity's Ball-and-Cup Game Craft
Samantha's Flower Bookmark Craft
Samantha's Lace Fan Craft
This Staurday the author of the Rebecca series will be at the American Girl Boutique and Bistro Dallas! The only problem is that Saturday is a very busy day because i have to help with a competition at my school and i don't know when it will end. I have my fingers crossed that i will be able to meet her!!!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
No Bullying Day
So this week in my school district it is Stop Bullying week. I makes me remember Chrissa and all that her stories were about. Tomorrow is wear Purple day! The idea is good and the reason that our district is now doing it is because now if a parent can prove tat teachers and principle are negligent about their child getting bullied they can sue.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween and the Rangers
Halloween was yesturday and i did not do anything! execpt for pass out some candy to some kids who came by, but most of them were friends of our family. My dogs went crazy all night! If you ask me what i did while everyone was trick-or-treating i was applying to Universities and designing my senior ad for the year book that was due yesterday at midnight. the lovely things you get to do as a senior in high school! I still need to take pictures of my dolls in their costums. i figured out that dog costumes work good for dolls if they are the size XXS ( i have a Chihuahua).
So i live in Texas and have been following the Rangers in the World series. What is cool is that i know several people who were able to attend some of the games when they were here. Sad to say that the Giants won the whole thing.
So i live in Texas and have been following the Rangers in the World series. What is cool is that i know several people who were able to attend some of the games when they were here. Sad to say that the Giants won the whole thing.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Too Cute!
Today my sister had a soccer game but was at her friends so we had to bring her clothes to the game for her. My other sister and i could not find them so my mom came up stairs to help us. she got upset at how messy there room was so she went into my room to see if it was messy too. Right before she walked in she got mad at me because a bunch of American girl stuff is in the top of the hall closet and she says that it is taking other peoples space up. then she walked into my room and saw my dolls in their Halloween costumes an was like "That is just too cute i cant get mad at you now!" thankfully i cleaned my room up good last night and i put Samantha in her Minnie Mouse dress.
Friday i got my senior picture proofs in the mail! i don't like half of them but i like the ones of me and Samantha and a few others.
When we cleaned out the car today i fond an apple silly ring so Samantha now has a silly band Jess has a lion that i found at school
Friday i got my senior picture proofs in the mail! i don't like half of them but i like the ones of me and Samantha and a few others.
When we cleaned out the car today i fond an apple silly ring so Samantha now has a silly band Jess has a lion that i found at school
Friday, September 24, 2010
Washington DC
Friday, September 17, 2010
Washington DC
So tomorrow morning i have to be at my school by 4:45am to be able to make our flight on time which is at 7am. I have decided to take Samantha and then i am bringing Addy with me but i dont know if she will actually end up going or not cause i am bringing her for a friend who has never gone on an airplane. So i am really excited and i don't think our hotel has WIFI so i will have to update when i get back on Wednesday!!!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Innerstar University
I just bought the Ruby and Ribbon outfit 585 stars. i really want it for my actual dolls.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Micheals Craft

The Knack FREE Family Event - American Girl®
Make everything you'll need to throw a doll-sized party that's full of girl-sized fun! Ages 8 and up welcome. While supplies last. Powered by American Girl®
it says that it will be from 10am-2pm
Barnes and Nobles
So yes
Saturday, September 11, 2010
So Thursday right after we got back from lunch in french a girl came to the door and asked for me. i ad know clue why she wanted me besides that she was in year book (cause she was wearing her pass) and when i went in the hall to talk to her she was like "So you collect American Girls and take them to Competitions " and i went "Yes, they pretty much stay in the hotel room and the girls i stay in the rooms with either love them or get freked out by them, which makes it even better" i talked to her for about 15 minutes about me and my law competitions and how i have excelled in them and my love for collecting American Girl dolls. My Law teacher actually emailed the yearbook teacher back because he was looking for people with unusual hobbies! So there is a good chance that i will be able to be in the year book with my dolls for my senior year!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Washington DC
Today on Doll Daries they posted that there will be an American Girl Store opening in Washington DC! I am Extermly happy because i want to live in Washingon DC after college so tat would be great to have a store when i come home to see family (Dallas Store) and one where i hope to live (DC). A news article was written about it yesturday on The Washington Post website.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
An old picture

Here is an old picture that we took when we were doing family pictures in 2003.
So when I went shopping for school stuff i finally got some magazine holders for all my American Girl magazines. I bought two but I need to go back and buy more because there is no room for any more in them.
Today on Innerstar I bought the yoga outfit and the skateboard outfit.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
So i know it is early but i just bought my web doll the sweet melody outfit and i am also pet sitting coconut and have taught him all the tricks
Friday, August 6, 2010
So i have not been InnerStar a lot today so far but i finished my Getting Around Project and played the cupcake game
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Innerstar University
Today i have been play for a while on Innerstar University and i bought the pet show dress outfit which i love and i bought the jean skirt. i finished the 1st project today. i could never figure out how to complete it but today i figured it out and when i finished it i got 10 stars. i am now on my 2nd project and i got the 103 health certificate.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kansas City!
American Girl has officially announced on the store page that the new store will be in Kansas City and will open on September 4, 2010. I don't know really what to think of it because the stores are becoming to common. when i was little all they had was New York and Chicago, and then i can remember when the Chicago one opened and how special it would be to go there but now there are a lot to choose from and it takes the little spark of special away. (though I am happy I have an American Girl store by me)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
having fun
So I have been playing on innerstar university a lot today and gotten the top scores on two games, cupcake crazy and body balance. I bought the safari dress that matches my sisters and bought the 1500 deluxe pink room set. my lap top does not like all the games so i have to use my moms friends laptop on some of it. my favorite game is the cup cake one.
Friday, July 30, 2010
It's Here!
Today almost exactly 12 hours ago the UPS guy dropped off my package that had my campus guide in it! i was so happy but since our internet is still messed up i now am able to make my doll.
Her name is Samantha136 and she has brown hair and eyes. She is girly and she likes pocka dots.
Her name is Samantha136 and she has brown hair and eyes. She is girly and she likes pocka dots.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Meeting Valerie Tripp Again
So yesterday i went to see Valerie Tripp at American Girl Boutique and Bistro Dallas and had so much fun waiting in line and meet Valerie Tripp for the second time! We got there about 2 pm and we had 2 little girls and 3 older with us. I brought a lot of books for her to sign but i was not able to get all mine signed by her that she has written because that is like over 30! after we talked to the manager told her that she could not talk for long with each girl because it was getting close to 3 pm and that was the time it was suppose to stop
Kits Tree House : she told us that she got the idea for this book from when her husband surprised her with remodeling their guest bedroom and even though she did not like it so pretended to and it is still that way now.
Samantha's Bicycle: she remembered all the times that she fell off of her bike as a girl
Josephina: when they were deciding on what Josephina should look like this one man who was Hispanic knew that her air texture should be like his so since he had long hair he cut a chunk of his hair off and they sent it to the factory so that they could make er hair texture more real.
Hopscotch Hill: on of her friends is a teacher and she would tell her stories of some of the issues that her students had so she used those in her books.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Here are pictures from last Tuesday at American Girl. Sorry that not all the pictures are the best quality and when I go Friday I will take some more pictures.
New American Girl Books
Saturday, July 17, 2010
This summer I have not gotten a whole lot of American Girl books at Half Price Books. When we go I have been getting movies and CD's instead because my sister just got her Ipod touch. But I did find the old Josephina Story Collection Book for $10 and I was really happy because Valerie Tripp wrote it but and she is coming to American Girl Dallas on Friday to sign autographs. i cant wait even though i have seen her before.
Friday, July 16, 2010
So i have not updated in a while because our internet is messed up so we have to go places that have WIFI or to the Library so right now i am at the library. On Tues day we went to AG Dallas for the Inner Star University Day and it was a lot of fun. we brought the two daycare girls and one of my moms friends and her daughter. we did the crafts and looked at all the new stuff! i only with the historical dolls came with codes for inner star. They also have a lot of new "AG Store Exclusive" stuff that i want like this red zip up dress.
June 21 i left to go to Kansas City for SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference i brought Samantha with me. On all my trips i have only brought my white dolls so on my next trip which is to Washington DC in September i will probably bring Addy with me. We had a blast in Kansas and my friends would love to hold Samantha and one called her "Baby" and another called her "Sam" and told her to call him "Uncle Thomas".
Monday, June 28, 2010
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